The British Business Bank’s guide on improving your cashflow

19 January 2022
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It’s fair to say that the last 20 months have been challenging for everyone across the UK, small businesses and business owners included.

The severe impact of the Covid-19 pandemic sent many businesses into survival mode, where the priority was finding ways to overcome the enforced closures, the lockdowns and the financial hardship that the spread of coronavirus brought. For some businesses, this remains a priority.

While it’s true that survival is still on some businesses’ minds, others have been able to recover and can now look positively towards the future.

The British Business Bank have designed a guide to provide impartial information to help businesses through survival and onto recovery, helping them stabilise and move forward to growth and future success, focusing on the following areas:

  • Understanding debt finance
  • Managing debt
  • Improving your cash flow
  • Moving from survival to recovery and growth
  • Resources for businesses worried about their debt

The British Business Bank has produced the contents of this guide with contributions from Be the Business, an independent, not-for-profit organisation whose goal is to help business owners and leaders improve their businesses’ performance.


Simply are proud to work with the British Business Bank and are processing applications through the Recovery Loan Scheme. RLS aims to help businesses affected by Covid-19 and can be used for business purposes, including, managing cashflow, investment and growth. It is designed to support businesses that can afford to take out additional finance for these purposes. Businesses who have taken out a CBILS, CLBILS or BBLS facility are able to access the new scheme. To fill out a RLS application form click here or to discuss your options with one of our dedicated sales representatives click here to access our sales map.